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Monday, September 03, 2007

TNC - Production Schedule-Sample

Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,


We have a preliminary production schedule, but no date yet. Please take a look and give any feedback you might have. May Allah bless this project, and bless you all for any help you provide us, and any support you have/will give, and make this project one more solid brick in the yellow path towards Islamically Clean Entertainment! (I.C.E.)

Here are the links, you have Excel, JPG, and MS Document Imaging file:
(note: if you dont have neither MS Office, nor an MS Windows Operating System, simply download the JPG image)
TNC - Production Schedule JPG
TNC - Production Schedule Excel
TNC - Production Schedule MS IDoc

Wassalam-u-alaikum Wara7matullah

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